15 gennaio 2009 - Parigi > Anno internaz. dell'Astronomia

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15 gennaio 2009 - Parigi > Anno internaz. dell'Astronomia

Messaggio da Riccardo Giuliani »


15 Gennaio 2009

Parigi, 15 e 16 gennaio 2009: inaugurazione dell'Anno Internazionale dell'Astronomia

Il 15 e 16 gennaio viene ufficialmente aperto l'Anno Internazionale dell'Astronomia con una cerimonia che riunirà a Parigi grandi personalità scientifiche, Premi Nobel e giovani e studenti dai tutto il mondo per celebrare l'astronomia.

Tutti gli appassionati, in ogni parte del mondo, potranno SEGUIRE IN DIRETTA, tramite webcasting, la cerimonia di apertura che si svoglerà presso la sede dell'UNESCO.

Di seguito il programma completo della manifestazione.

15 gennaio
8h00-9h00: Registration and free visit of exhibitions around the main room. Morning:

9h00-10h15 Inauguration Opening by Unesco director general Mr Koichiro Matsuura Keynote speech (personal or video) from UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Greetings by two heads of states or ministers International Year of Astronomy: Vision and goals, by Catherine Cesarsky, IAU President Coffee Break

10h15-10h45 /10h45-12h00
Chair: Jean-Claude Carrière Astronomy: History and Culture-- The First Astronomers: Astronomy over Four Millenia, Juan Antonio Belmonte (Canaries, Spain) -- Mayan Astronomy, Julieta Fierro (Mexico) -- Islamic Astronomy, George Saliba (New-York, USA) -- The Skies of the World, a Multicultural Experience, Franco Pacini (Firenze, Italy) -- Seing the Invisible: Seventy-five years of radio astronomy: highlights and future challenges, Govind Swarup (India)

12h00-12h30 Chair: Jean-Claude Carrière From Galileo (400yrs) to Apollo (40yrs) From Galileo to Einstein, Francoise Balibar (Paris)

Lunch Pause 12h30-14h

14h00-15h00 Chair: Tim de Zeeuw (TBC) The New Frontier: The Exploration of the Solar System, André Brahic (Paris) Echoes of Creation: Discovery of the Big-Bang fossil radiation, Bob Wilson (USA, Nobel Prize in Physics, 1978) Modern astronomy: discoveries on our origins

15h00-15h30 Chair: Tim de Zeeuw (TBC) The First Moment: As the Universe came into being: Lord Martin Rees (Cambridge, UK) Coffee Break

15h30-16h /16h00-17h30 Chair: Jan Palous A Multitude of Worlds: Extra-solar planets: Michel Mayor (Geneva, Switzerland) IYA2009: Astronomy for Humankind, Cornerstones and Universe Awareness (UNAWE) Kevin Govender (South Africa) Live video-conference with the South Pole Station, preceded by a Film of installation of telescopes, life in Concordia, Questions and Answers from the astronomers Evening: Reception at the Palais de la Découverte Film on music (G. Holst, the planets) from José-Francisco Salgado (Adler Planetarium, USA)

16 gennaio
8h30-9h: free visit of exhibitions around the main room

9h00-9h30 Chair: Beatriz Barbuy Live video-conference with the European Very Large Telescope in Paranal, and observers in Chile Visit the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and Participate in a session of imaging at the end of the night, on one of the 8m-telescopes

9h30-10h30 Chair: Beatriz Barbuy The Biggest Question of All: The Search for Extraterrestrial Life, André Brack (Orléans, France) The question of parallel universes: Hubert Reeves (Saclay & Montréal)

Coffee Break

10h30-11h Stars: life and death 11h00-12h30 Chair: Gang Zhao Pulsars - progress and puzzles: Jocelyn Bell Burnell (Oxford, UK) Beautiful death for a Star: Planetary Nebulae: Silvia Torres-Peimbert (UNAM, Mexico) Cosmic Explosions: The Violent Supernovae: Ken'ichi Nomoto (Tokyo, Japan)

Lunch Pause

12h30-14h: Remote observing and VLBI (5 sessions in parallel) 14h00-15h30: Observing Without Going: Remote Observing at Hawaii and Australia (3h a.m. in the night) Also radio observation of the Milky Way in HI-21cm with the Salsa telescope in Sweden Global e-VLBI demo, then and all along the Conference. . One cosmic source will be observed continuously for 24 hours, with radio telescopes on 6 continents streaming data in real-time to the correlator in the Netherlands via high-bandwidth fibre networks. Coffee Break 15h30-16h00 Black-holes and Space

16h00-17h30 Chair: Gopal Krishna Report from the Abyss: Massive Black Holes: Reinhard Genzel (MPE, Germany) Astronomy from Space: the Hubble, and James Webb Space Telescopes: Jonathan Gardner (NASA, USA) Cosmic Vision: David Southwood (ESA)

Cocktail reception: 18h00-19h30 (open to all)

Closing ceremony: 19h30-21h30 (open to all) Closing speech Cultural event: Kronos Quartet

Per ulteriori info > http://www.astronomy2009.it

Cieli e giorni sereni - Riccardo Giuliani
http://www.aeritel.com - Telescopi & dintorni


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